Our Mission

To Lead the Jewish Community in the Fight Against Hunger

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kazen founded the Kosher Food Pantry 40 years ago as a support network assisting Russian immigrants with jobs, food and clothing. Today, its mission has greatly expanded to serve a more diverse population. The Kosher Food Pantry is a partner agency of the Cleveland Food Bank which provides dry goods and produce. Donations pay for other Kosher staples and the cost of transporting, storing and distributing the food.
We serve needy Jewish families in Cleveland’s eastern suburbs, as well as those referred by Cleveland’s social service agencies without discrimination.

What We Do

Feeding 4,000+ per month

averaging 1,600 seniors, 1,300 adults and 1,200+ children

Distributed over 800,000 lbs.

of food in 2018

How We Do It

We deliver to seniors

full bags of nutritious fruits, vegetables and other groceries to low-income residences 18 times every month.

Families with Children

visit one of our 3 locations weekly to choose from our pantry.

Open Pantry

Our door is open to all every Thursday evening.

Outdoor Produce

Massive food event outdoors 9 times during the year – over 22,000 pounds of food distributes to 650+ individuals.

Healthy Eating for Seniors

Cooking demos and education classes organized to help our elderly age in place.